Have you heard how difficult college can be the first year? The transition from high school to college is no walk in the park. Many of the students to leave their comfortable, safe homes to cope with life as an "adult" for the first time, causing children to struggle under pressure. Balancing work part-time, the activities of clubs, sporting events, social activities, and course work can be daunting, but it need not be.
Contrary to what they say their classmates, the key to success in college is not networking, joining as many social clubs as you can, or attend all the festivities on campus. The key to success in college is hard work-plain and simple. And to help you succeed, we came with a few simple tips to make the transition from secondary school student to college student easier:
1. Purchase a portable file cabinet. In your file cabinet, keep important documents in hanging folders. Documents like: school transcripts, college acceptance letters, letters of recommendations, resumes, scholarship information, bills by name, emergency contact numbers, and your social security card.
2. Purchase a planner. While it may seem “dorky” to carry a planner with you everywhere you go, it’s a great way to make sure you don’t over-commit yourself. Pencil in extra-curricular activities, but PEN in school and job obligations. While you can cancel extra-curricular activities, or arrange them to fit your schedule, classes, test dates, and work days cannot be altered. And to help remind of those important test dates, highlight the dates with a yellow marker.
3. Set realistic goals. One reason some students are not successful the first year is because they do not take the time to set realistic goals. In his mind's eye, you are Superman and can achieve anything you set your mind, even if it means juggling two important obligations on the same day, at the same time. But real life is not a movie. You can not be in two places at the same time, nor can complete a three hour project in just 30 minutes. Know your goals. Understand, break them down into smaller, more manageable and tasks, and then schedule the dates and times specific timetable for completing those tasks.
4. Find a study partner. Difficult classes should never be taken without the help of a study partner. Study partners are great for bouncing ideas off, keeping you accountable when you’d rather flake on a difficult subject, and even encourage you to seek a tutor. They also make planning regular study sessions fun!
5. Visit your student advisor or counselor. Student counselors are available to help make the transition painless. They can provide a list of resources for scholarships and grants, be sure to maintain the pace of academic progress, provide a list of tutors, and even offer advice on personal matters that can wreak havoc on their school life.
6. Keep your space clean and organized. When your living space is clean, your soul feels relaxed and you’re more apt to study than run away. An organized space will also save you from missing important deadlines and keep you from spending hours searching for your latest college assignment.
7. Have fun. All work and no play not only makes Jack a dull boy, but when you don’t take the time to have a little fun, your work and study schedule can feel burdensome which can hurt your study habits and test scores.
Finally, take care of your health by making time for exercising, getting plenty of rest, and eating healthy foods.

Contrary to what they say their classmates, the key to success in college is not networking, joining as many social clubs as you can, or attend all the festivities on campus. The key to success in college is hard work-plain and simple. And to help you succeed, we came with a few simple tips to make the transition from secondary school student to college student easier:
1. Purchase a portable file cabinet. In your file cabinet, keep important documents in hanging folders. Documents like: school transcripts, college acceptance letters, letters of recommendations, resumes, scholarship information, bills by name, emergency contact numbers, and your social security card.
2. Purchase a planner. While it may seem “dorky” to carry a planner with you everywhere you go, it’s a great way to make sure you don’t over-commit yourself. Pencil in extra-curricular activities, but PEN in school and job obligations. While you can cancel extra-curricular activities, or arrange them to fit your schedule, classes, test dates, and work days cannot be altered. And to help remind of those important test dates, highlight the dates with a yellow marker.
3. Set realistic goals. One reason some students are not successful the first year is because they do not take the time to set realistic goals. In his mind's eye, you are Superman and can achieve anything you set your mind, even if it means juggling two important obligations on the same day, at the same time. But real life is not a movie. You can not be in two places at the same time, nor can complete a three hour project in just 30 minutes. Know your goals. Understand, break them down into smaller, more manageable and tasks, and then schedule the dates and times specific timetable for completing those tasks.
4. Find a study partner. Difficult classes should never be taken without the help of a study partner. Study partners are great for bouncing ideas off, keeping you accountable when you’d rather flake on a difficult subject, and even encourage you to seek a tutor. They also make planning regular study sessions fun!
5. Visit your student advisor or counselor. Student counselors are available to help make the transition painless. They can provide a list of resources for scholarships and grants, be sure to maintain the pace of academic progress, provide a list of tutors, and even offer advice on personal matters that can wreak havoc on their school life.
6. Keep your space clean and organized. When your living space is clean, your soul feels relaxed and you’re more apt to study than run away. An organized space will also save you from missing important deadlines and keep you from spending hours searching for your latest college assignment.
7. Have fun. All work and no play not only makes Jack a dull boy, but when you don’t take the time to have a little fun, your work and study schedule can feel burdensome which can hurt your study habits and test scores.
Finally, take care of your health by making time for exercising, getting plenty of rest, and eating healthy foods.
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